Friday, April 25, 2008


so i start the story from here
today is the day for taking yearbook photo n i went to school with my lovely cool G7
the theme is EMO, with black kutex, all black from head to leg
Nah, after 9A took some photos in "Ruang Serba Guna"
i used G7 to take photos with 9A boys
the girls didn't want to miss the chance, they borrowed my cam
of course i gave it coz i've never thought
they took photos with many poses, and suddenly i heard the "GUBRAKK"
i stopped playing CIKUPA and saw what happened outside class
G7 on the floor! SHIT LAH
they tried to make it well but couldn't
then they came close to me, to ask"CAN U REPAIR THIS?" "BISA BENERIN GAG?"
i hold the cam, but the display just showing "Lens Error, restart the camera"(E18 error)
it couldn't fold the lense properly, also stuck (fully)
n then i said"lu bawa benerin!"
back to bahasa
trus gwe pergi sesaat buat nanya sw, krn dia pny A70 perna rusak jg lensny, ganti 400k
yauda gwe suruh si joanna bawa ke servis centre, trus tuh orang malah begok nanya
"steve, kartu warrantyny masih ada kan, masi laku kan?"
entah goblok ato apa mana mao sih canon ganti buat kesalahan consumer?
trus dia minta maap bla3 rese gwe tinggal aja kesel
ke 3 kaliny dia nyamperin gwe, abis dy ngomong ma sw
dia blg ke gw
"kalo misalnya hrg gantiny 700k, gwe 300k, neeke 300k, elu 100k ya?"
dikira gwe manusia super tajir kali ya, masa die yg sala gwe suruh ikut nanggung?
sampe di rumah, bobo, gwe ol stla bangun
ada si onna online, gwe nudge eh mala KABUR LANGSUNG OFF
G7 gwe di ONNA, kek ny better if neeke holds it
advise @CBOX ya!